A Premier UK Club
Founded in 1987
Your privacy is important to us but as a member of St Michael Fly Fishers we do need to keep you informed of any membership activities, meets, events and general fishing matters. We therefore hold certain contact details for you so that we can achieve this.
The following details, which you have previously supplied and will be updated on receipt of membership renewal forms, are, from a Club point of view, held only by the Secretary and Treasurer and will never be used for any purpose to which you have not formally agreed. Any bank details or other personal data are not retained. No personal data be forwarded without your written permission, other than as required under English law.
Details retained are:
Email address
Telephone number. (Mobile; for use, inter alia, in emergency during a meet!)
Individually, you may, of course, hold contact details for colleagues on an informal basis and that is a matter for you and your colleagues.
Details of former colleagues, except in certain rare circumstances, are not retained. Where details are retained the individuals will be notified separately, in writing.
You will also be aware that we publish, in a restricted-access, members-only area on the website, details of meet results and a reminder of deposits paid for planned events. We also publish, on the website, photographs taken at our various venues along with the latest meet report which may contain names.
If you choose to allow us to continue to hold these contact details and use them to keep you informed as described and are also happy for us to publish the details described, you need do nothing.
If you do not wish us to hold these details or publish as described, please inform me as soon as possible in writing. Your request will be acknowledged.
For your records you may contact me for support in any Data Protection related matters, or indeed any Club matters, on the following: or 077 9209 8167
Tom Smith
04 January 2022