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  A Premier UK Club

Founded in 1987

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12 OCTOBER 2022

Dear All,


Please be advised we have had to change the venue for this outing as Meon Springs have advised due to very low water levels we would have a disappointing day.

We are now going to JOHN O' GAUNT instead. The date remains the same Saturday 12th November.

We have exclusive use of the fishery, and I have booked breakfast at the Crown Inn.


We will be fishing for The  George Wilding  Memorial Trophy for the first hour with a dedicated fly which I will give to each of you at breakfast, catch your first fish with this fly,

stop fishing, and return to the hut with your fish which will be weighed in. The heaviest fish will win the Trophy.


The following members have either paid a deposit for Meon, or have deposits carried forward which will be allocated to this outing if they are attending.

G Brooks, D Broome, A Butler, Summer, V Holloway, I Kelly, I Laws, M Littlestone, B Maguire, D Martin, S Price, I Smith, T Smith, C Thomas, J Tufo, D Toogood, G Dee


So I am asking  everyone to let me know as soon as possible if you will be coming to JOG as I need to know numbers for the fishery, and breakfast. 


Once  I have heard from everyone a final email with all the details will be sent out to those attending the week before the outing.


Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you.


Kind Regards 



9 MAY 2022

Dear All,


I am pleased to advise we have 24 members attending this outing as per the sheet sent on email showing what is owed from each of you. 

Payment by bank transfer please, or by cheque to Tom in advance, or if necessary on the day. Please add £5 to your payment if you wish to partake in the raffle.


Meet at the fishery at 8am, and once you have tackled up, bacon and egg baps, tea, and coffee will be available at the lodge. We will aim to start fishing by 9am or just before. 


The 4 spring fed lakes cover an area of some 20 acres, if you don't mind walking its well worth giving all of them a try.

Its single fly only, no catch and release, except for some small wild brownies in lake 1 nearest the lodge, which must be returned.

There are some fish in the lakes up to 12lbs, so the fishery suggest using 8lb leader. Please note the lakes can be very deep in some areas, and intermediate lines fished slow, and deep are

recommended, or floating lines with a gold head fly. A buzzer fished static just drifting in the breeze is yet another option.

As of this week Lakedown has not yet had their Mayfly hatch, but with warmer weather forecast this coming week it could happen.


As I am yet to nominate the day captain the plan for the day will be revealed at the briefing, but as we have exclusive use of the entire fishery we will endeavour to keep morning session fairly relaxed. Free roaming after lunch.


In my last email I expressed our sincere thanks to Joe Tufo who is kindly sponsoring all the catering for the day, breakfast, a buffet BBQ lunch, and lemon cake, and tea when we cease fishing, so you don't need to bring food. In view of this, and bearing in mind we are only having to paying for our 4 fish ticket, might I suggest members might like to donate something for the raffle which would be nice.


Last but not least the lodge now acts as the Tap Room from their Micro Brewery. Jamie has booked it out for us our from 12 until 3 pm for our private use. Some of you may remember from last time they produce their own beer, and jolly good it was too.


Finally the weather for next Saturday looks great so bring some sunscreen for your face, neck, arms, and particularly your hands which easily burn when you are casting all day, a bottle of water is also a good idea, don't get dehydrated.





Looking forward to seeing you all, tight lines.








TN21 8UX


Tel 07775 782242



PS If you use the Dartford Crossing during your journey ensure you remember to pay the charge latest by midnight on Sunday 15th May

2 APRIL 2022

Dear All,


I trust you are all well, and looking forward to celebrating our 35th Anniversary at our next outing on 9 April . Those of us having been before will know what it has to offer, but for those coming for the first time please see this brief description. 



Rockbourne Trout Fishery is located in the New Forest just on the edge of the picturesque village of Rockbourne. The six lakes are spread over 55 acres of unspoilt woodland and pasture land with the river Sweatford Waters running through the valley and on into the Avon. The lower reaches of the river are classed as an area of outstanding natural beauty and  indeed Rockbourne is one of the most peaceful, secluded and beautiful spots to fly fish in the country.


Each lake has its own individual character and requires particular fly fishing tactics. Each lake has variations in depth ranging from 3 meters to 5 meters. Lakes are bordered by mature trees and in part by reeds, all providing excellent sport.


Those attending, should have already received Tom's day sheet  via email listing the amount due from each of you, payment by Bank Transfer please, if you don't do online banking a cheque to Tom is fine on the day. We would prefer not to take cash on the day, but if it has to be, then in an envelope please with your name clearly written on the the envelope. We will be having our normal raffle, if you wish you take part please add £5 to your  remittance.


As I need to finalise the catering latest Tuesday 5 April I need to know if any one is now not coming, I don't need to hear from you if you are coming. Likewise if you are not on the list, and would like to attend I need to know by return, members only no guests. 


To mark this occasion the Club is subsidising the outing to the tune of all refreshments including a BBQ luncheon of burgers, sausages, marinated chicken, potato salad, green salad, rolls, and quiche, Breakfast bap, unlimited tea, and coffee.




Meet at the fishery at 8am when the gates open, tackle up then make your way to the lodge for the Breakfast Bap Tea, and Coffee .

We will aim to start fishing at 9am, there will be 5 moves of 45 minutes during the morning session which your day Captain Steve Argent has organised, a little differently this time, and all will be revealed at the

briefing. Its a 4 fish ticket, all fish to be killed. There is NO CATCH AND RELEASE

At 1pm we will adjourn to the lodge, which with Covid rules now relaxed,  is available to use for our BBQ lunch. Soft drinks, and beers will be available, and we are providing Non Alcoholic Wine for you to enjoy.

Following lunch it will be free roaming till we finish, dependent on the weather, probably around 4pm.


Prizes will be presented at the end of the day as follows Best Bag, Best Rainbow, Best Brown, and Secret Weight.

Just a reminder if you don't want to keep all of your fish you may swap each one for a pack of smoked Trout, however there is now a charge of £2 for each fish swapped.


All that remains for now is to wish you all VERY TIGHT LINES, there are plenty of doubles just waiting for your fly, lets have great day, both fishing wise, and socially.

Look forward to seeing you all.


Kindest Regards



5 FEB 2022

Dear All,


Our first outing of 2022, and thanks to your responses we have a full house for this one.


A slight change from my last email in as much we are now able to enjoy a sit down full English breakfast instead of just a bacon roll outside.

I am sure we will all look forward to that. To cover this we have had to add £5 to the cost of this outing.


We have arranged for the gates to be open a little earlier at 07.45, so tackle up, and make you way to the club house where Tea, Coffee , and biscuits will be available.

We would like to start fishing at 08.45 sharp so at 08.30 a short briefing will be given by your Day Captain Dave Martin, after which we will take a group photo, big smiles please!


There will be 3 moves of 35 minutes during this first session so everyone will fish the 3 zones. That will take us till 10.30 when we will adjourn for breakfast.

You may only catch one fish from each zone, so if you catch a fish in the first few minutes it will be great, but you will have to wait for the horn to sound before starting to fish in your next zone. 


After breakfast it will be free roaming, go to any zone apart from the last one you were fishing before breakfast. Catch one fish then move to another zone, and so on and so on till we weigh in at 3.30. There no time limit to how long you stay in a zone as long as you only take one fish from the zone.


The 3 boats will also be available after breakfast from 11.30 with 5 sessions of 45 minutes 11.30 - 12.15, 12.15 - 13.00, 13.00 - 13.45, 13.45 - 14.30, and 14.30 - 15.15.

Boat tickets will be handed out to those who would like them. Rules for the boats are they must be tied to a buoy,  2 anglers to a boat no single occupancy, life jackets must be worn, the fishery have some, but if you have your own please bring it with you. UNDER NO ACCOUNT MUST YOU WEAR WADERS IN THE BOAT. 

We will let you know at the briefing how many fish you may attempt to catch from the boat.


I am assured Lechlade will be well stocked for our visit with some fish around 15 to 20 lbs, so I would suggest leader strength minimum 8 lbs.

Its a 4 fish ticket, all fish to be killed including Browns. During the last couple of weeks the fish have moved around a lot sometimes at the far end of the fishery, and sometimes at the house end, so be prepared to keep moving through the zones during the free roaming period.


You should have received a copy of this message via email with Tom's day sheet attached, showing the amount due from each of you, payment by BACS is preferred, but if you don't do on line banking a cheque posted to Tom is fine, or even on the day. May I remind you we will be having the lucky raffle draw, and if you would like to participate please add £5 to your remittance.


We don't propose to break for lunch as we will have had a good breakfast, however if you think you will need some additional sustenance bring it with you.

There is a kettle in the lower lodge to make tea, and coffee, and I believe Tom is bringing along some packet soups as well.


As we begin our new season may I remind you to continue the Clubs Ethos of Good Sportsmanship so we all can enjoy our fishing, and give everyone the opportunity to catch their bag limit at all our outings.


All that remains to say is it should be a great day with every chance of catching one of those very big ones.



Wishing you all TIGHT LINES, and look forward to seeing you on the12th.


Kind Regards



8 Oct 2021

Dear All,


I am sure we are looking forward to returning to this fishery again having not been there since March of last year due to the pandemic.

It is now under new ownership, however the format will be the same, being tea, coffee, and cake on arrival, breakfast at 10.30, afternoon tea when we finish

and a 4 fish ticket. Cost will be the same as last year £55.


To date the following members have either paid a deposit, and or advised they will be attending :-


Messrs Bateman, Berloth, Bloom, Brooks, Burgess, Butler, Fine, Holloway, Littlestone, Price, Sahami, Ian Smith, Tom Smith, Toogood, and Tufo.

If everyone comes its only 15, that leaves us a little bit short, we ideally need a few more as we have exclusive use of the fishery. 

So if you are now not attending please let me know by return, and if you are not on the list but would like to attend let me know ASAP so I can confirm catering 

numbers. If anyone wants to bring a guest they are more than welcome.


Once I have heard from everyone I will send out Tom's payment sheet. Payment as usual by bank transfer, and if you wish to take part in the raffle please add £5 to your



Meet at the fishery at 8am.


I look forward to hearing from you, and or seeing you on the 16th.


Kind Regards




Duncton Mill Fishery

Dye House Ln, Duncton, Petworth GU28 0LF


Take the M25 to Exit Number 9. Follow the A24 south. Take the A272 west to Petworth. Take the A285 4 miles south to Duncton. Pass through the village of Duncton, past the Cricketer’s Pub and past Seaford College. At the base of the South Downs, take left turn-off signposted ‘Sutton’ and with green Duncton Mill sign.

10 Sept 2021



Dear All,


We are now going to FARMOOR RESERVOIR as Ravensthorpe is fishing extremely badly, lots of scum, and weed.

I will assume those who have said they were coming to Ravensthorpe will come to Farmoor, if not please let Tom know ASAP.


Gates open at 8am, and I have arranged for breakfast at the Waterside Cafe from 8.15 please pay individually. As a guide full English is £6.95 plus tea or coffee, but

if you want something lighter bacon or sausage rolls are available.


Cost which has been negotiated with the fishery for boat, 6 fish ticket, plus catch, and release will be £35. Tom will send revised payment sheet. There will be a good raffle should you want to participate add £5 to your remittance.


Now as it's nearer than Ravensthorpe, some other members may wish to come, please let Tom know ASAP on 07792 098167 so he can confirm  final boat numbers.


Farmoor insists you use only their life jackets. You will need your own landing nets.

We had a warning on our last visit about boats going too close to the bank, anglers please observe the distance rule.


Bring you own lunch.


Thats it, have a good day, and tight lines.


Kind Regards



9 September 2021



Dear All,


My thanks to all of you whom have confirmed their attendance, and taking into account those who wish to fish together I have allocated the  7 boats as follows :-


Bill Berloth with Alan Carlton, Bob Fulton with Derek McKelvey, Joe Tufo with Colin Bateman, Geoff Brooks with Lou Fine,  Dave Broome with Peter Burdett, Brian Bloom with Alan Butler, Tom Smith with his Guest. In addition Ian Kelly will probably fish from the bank as he is recovering from an operation.


Breakfast has been booked at The Coach & Horses, Harborough Road, Brixworth NN6 9BX, and will be served at 07.30

From there up to the fishery which is 10 minutes away.


Cost for the day is £50 for Full English breakfast, boat, 6 fish ticket, plus catch, and release. There are no concessions on a Saturday.

CLICK HERE to see Tom's sheet showing the cost for each angler bearing in mind any deposits paid, Bill, and Alan Carlton not having breakfast, and Ian fishing from the bank. Payment by BACS please guys, and if you would like to participate in the raffle add £5 to your remittance.


Just a couple of other points being we have to use Ravensthorpe's landing nets, but you can use your own life jackets, or use one from the  fishery. I am sure I don't have to remind you that everyone must wear a life jacket.


Bring your own lunch.


I regret I will not be there as will be on holiday, so as of today please contact Tom directly if you can't make it, or anything else. His mobile is 07792 098167


Other than that I wish you tight lines, and look forward to seeing you all at DUNCTON MILL next month.


Kind Regards



4 June 2021



Dear All,


The following have previously advised they would be attending, and paid a deposit.

Messrs Bateman, Bloom, Broome, Burdett, Burgess, Butler, Fulton, Haskins, Holloway, Littlestone, Maguire, Martin, Sahami, Tom Smith, and Tufo. In addition Lynda Foster is coming with Dave Brome.


As I need to confirm breakfast numbers please only let me know if you are now not able to attend.

If you are not on the list, and would like to come let me know ASAP. We do need a minimum of  20 as we have booked the fishery for our exclusive use. 


Once I know the final numbers I will do the pairings, and send to you, as well as Tom's list showing what is owed by everyone. Once again payment by BACS is appreciated, or by cheque to Tom.


The arrangements are meet at The Crown in Kings Somborne at 8am for a full English breakfast, then up the hill to the fishery.

Cost for the day £65 for a 4 fish ticket, and breakfast. We will aim to start fishing by 9.15. There will be 4 moves of 35 minutes during the morning which will take us up till 11.35 then free roaming till we break for lunch at 1pm. By that time, and going on previous experience I would expect many to have bagged up. Free roaming after lunch if you still have fish to catch.


The John Fuller Trophy will be awarded to the pair with the heaviest combined weight. A prize for the best individual weight,  one for the biggest fish, and another for the secret weight. We will be having the lucky raffle draw with a Day Ticket to John O Gaunt, £30 towards your days costs, a day at Farmoor with boat, and two 6 fish tickets worth £70, and a couple of bottles of wine. If you want to take part in the raffle please add £5 to your payment.


We send our best wishes to Carl who is having an operation next week, we wish him a speedy recovery, and to Colin Mann who is awaiting his MRI scan, and is unable to walk, or drive at the moment. We hope to see them both later on in the season fit, and well.


I look forward to either hearing from you, or seeing you at John O Gaunt.


Kind Regards, and Tight Lines



3 June 2021



Dear All,


Croxley Green Flyfishers have 3 or 4 spaces available at the above fishery next Wednesday 9th June.

Peter Burdett, Geoff Brooks, Myself, and all being well Carl Bolding will be going.


They have exclusive use of the fishery. Cost is £45 for a 4 fish ticket, if you would like to go please let me know, and I will send you the details.


Details for our outing to John O Gaunt for the pairs competition on Sat 12 June will be emailed this weekend. I am pleased to say we will be having breakfast at The Crown.


Kind Regards



10 May 2021



Would all members paying into the club account via BACS please use a reference so that Tom can recognise who it is. He suggests your initials plus the venue. For instance if its Tom Smith for Lakedown it would be TSLAKEDOWN. He is receiving payments he can't relate to members which is causing some confusion.


Thanks for your cooperation.




8 May 2021

Dear All,


As of this morning we have 18 members attending Lakedown next Saturday. Cost for the day £45 for a 4 fish ticket, breakfast roll tea, and coffee, afternoon tea, and cakes.

We will be having the lucky draw raffle, and if you would like to participate please add £5 to your remittance.

If for any reason you are unable to attend please let me know ASAP as I have to confirm numbers for catering, and if you are not on the list but would like to come let me know.


We have exclusive use of lakes 1, and 2 these being closest to the lodge.


Meet at the fishery at 8am, as you drive down the lane there is a sign saying no vehicles past this point, however if we don’t experience a lot of heavy rain over the next few days its OK to carry on down,and park on the grass by the lodge. Tackle up, and egg and bacon roll tea, coffee will be available outside the lodge.


Fishery Rules. Single fly only maximum size 10. Its a 4 fish ticket, all fish to be killed, no catch, and release.HOWEVER THERE ARE SOME WILD BROWN TROUT ON LAKE 1 MUCH SMALLER THAN THE NORMAL STOCKIES, THESE MUST BE CAREFULLY RELEASED AND RETURNED.


Bring your own lunch we will break for this at 1pm.

There will be prizes for the best bag, biggest fish, and secret weight, and the raffle, day ticket for Lakedown, £30 towards your days costs, and a few bottles. I will be your Day Captain.


Lakedown Trout Fishery - Swife Lane, Burwash, East Sussex TN21 8UX.  Tel: 01435 883449





A lot of support for this one 8 boats incl the wheely booked, and confirmed.

Will email those attending during next week with the final details, and payment required 


Tight Lines, and look forward to seeing you at Lakedown, and or Farmoor



Messages from our Club Chair

© 2023 St Michaels Fly Fishing. 

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